Alexandra Kosteniuk’s Guide on How to Improve at Chess in the 21st Century
Level 0. Rating: 0 – 200
Knowledge needed to graduate to next level

Improvement Guide Articles
Here are some articles by GM Alexandra Kosteniuk and chess guru Steve Lopez on how best to improve at chess from different levels. You can come back to this main page anytime.Recommendations Playing – Analysis – Database Software

Chess King Software (for players 200 to 1600 ELO)
Chess King is a complete chess package and very easy to use, suitable for a wide range of players, from beginners to intermediate players. There are lots of modes, from solving puzzles and quest games, playing Classical Chess, Analyzing games with the engine Houdini, a huge GigaKing game database, and complete Chess Opening Tree.
From $39.95 to $109.95, 4 activations for PC and Mac, suitable for players 200-1600 ELO
From $39.95 to $109.95, 4 activations for PC and Mac, suitable for players 200-1600 ELO

Recommendations Peshka Interactive Courses Software

Dinosaur Chess;

Recommendations Video Instruction

Complete Chess Course (for players Unrated to 1400 ELO)

The Chess King’s Complete Chess Course is the quickest and easiest way to learn the chess basics, the patterns, tips, strategies, techniques which will turn you from a beginner into an accomplished chess player. The DVD video format makes it simple to improve your chess. Just watch, listen and learn. This Course is a fountain of knowledge for parents and coaches. The set contains close to 5 hours of structured instruction with over 100 ready-to-use examples of sound chess fundamentals. Recommended for players Unrated to 1500 Elo. Disk 1: Opening Principles disk. It demonstrates that you don’t need to try to memorize hundreds of opening variations as long as you play the opening by following common basic ideas. You’ll learn all about fast development, centralization, mobility, and defense, all of which will help you get a good position which will lead directly into a playable middle game. Disk 2: Tactics and Strategy disk. You’ll discover a variety of tactical weapons that you could use over and over to win material and gain an advantage over your opponents. You’ll also learn all about chess strategy, plans and formations that will provide you with a lasting edge. Disk 3: Endgames disk. When few pieces are left on the board, knowing the proper procedures can spell the difference between victory and defeat. In this DVD, you will be introduced to the most common chess endgames. Knowing these key concepts and positions will increase your success in your tournament practice and will allow you to convert a material advantage into a win. You will learn about opposition, triangulation, Philidor and Lucena positions, and more.
$39.95, zone-free video DVD for PC or Mac or video DVD, suitable for players Unrated – 1400 ELO
$39.95, zone-free video DVD for PC or Mac or video DVD, suitable for players Unrated – 1400 ELO
Recommendations Android apps

We have more than 20 Android Chess apps and more come out every week. Already more than 1 million downloads. All courses are free downloads and provide sample theory and exercises. If you like the course, you can buy the full course.
Recommendations Chess King Learn

Check out our courses. We are adding more every week. Select the language you want and the course.